CCD Announcements

CCD Office/oficina : 956-783-1068 or 956-783-4767

Please see the CCD Bulletins below for the most updated information.  Please click each link to read.

Please click the link for registration information.  Favor de hacer clic en el enlace de abajo para informacion de registracion.

CCD  Forms English

   The CCD Forms included in the above PDF are:

  1. Permanent Registration

  2. Cumulative Record

  3. Report of Home Visit or Contact

  4. Guidelines for Child Safety in Parish Catechetical Programs

  5. Pick Up of Children after Program

  6. Permission Form for Child Pick Up

  7. Annual Medical Consent Form and Release of Liability

  8. Media Release and Consent Form

  9. Electronic Communication Form

CCD Formas en Espanol

  1. Registro Permanente

  2. Recoger al estudiante

  3. Tratamiento Medico

  4. Forma para foto y video